Company News

Fortune Oil Group Leader Participated in CGH FY 2023 Jin Peng Prize Award Ceremony and Exchange Activities


From 7 to 14 July 2024, Fortune Oil Limited ("Fortune Oil"), Chief Executive Officer Mme. Li Ching, in her capacity as the Executive Director of China Gas Holdings Limited (“CGH”) and Chairman of China Gas Charity Foundation, together with several leaders from the China Gas Charity Foundation and China Gas Employee Care Committee, participated in CGH FY 2023 Jin Peng Prize Award Ceremony and Exchange Activities. 

On 7 July, the first stop of this activity kicked off at the CGH headquarters in Shenzhen. A total of 262 Jin Peng Prize winning individuals and 52 winning units were selected, and 43 representatives of the prize-winning units and employees from the headquarters and related business companies participated in the event sharing the glorious moment. Chairman Li Ching and all the leaders bowed to the winners and representatives expressing their sincere gratitude and high respect.

Chairman Li Ching said that “As the strong backing of all the members of CGH family, China Gas Charity Foundation and China Gas Employee Care Committee will pass CGH’s love and warmth to every corner and every member of our family. The development road ahead is still full of challenges and opportunities, and there is a long way to go. All of us should maintain a modest and prudent working attitude, with high morale, enthusiasm and firm faith, continue to carry forward the spirit of unity, cooperation and innovation of "CGH Invincible Army", and work hard together to further advance CGH’s future development. ”

CGH sent two award and exchange delegations, i.e. the southern line and the northern line delegations, to the front line sending warmth, boosting morale and spirit for the employees who are fighting for 2024 second half year target.

From 8 to 14 July, the south line delegation, composed of Chairman Li Ching and three leaders of China Gas Charity Foundation visited CGH’s project companies in Yulin, Liuzhou, Zhangzhou, Hangzhou, Yiyang, Xiaogan and Shiyan, across CGH’s four major regions of Southwest, South, East and Central China. The delegation awarded Jin Peng prize winning individuals and units, visited front line cadres and employees advising them to take good care of their health while doing their job well, the deep care made the front-line staff feel warm and encouraged. During the visit, Chairman Li Ching was also very excited to meet with the award-winning colleagues from Fortune Xinyang, Beijing Fuhua and Chongqing Fujiang, and felt proud and pleased for the excellent performance they’ve made for CGH.

On 14 July, the South line and North Line delegations successfully gathered in Shiyan, Hubei Province. After the award and exchange activities, all the members of the delegation went to Shiyan CGH "6·13" Safety Education Warning Hall, Chairman Li Ching and a number of CGH leaders present asked the management team of Central region to bear in mind the painful lessons drawn from the “6.13” accident, bravely shoulder responsibilities, strictly adhere to the safety bottom line, continue to improve the work of system construction, job training and risk control management while steadily improving performance, rebuild credibility, regain respect, and jointly build a safe, peaceful, happy and beautiful life with the people of Shiyan.